Tag Archives: Writers Life

Giving Thankfuls for Our Writer Lives

Giving Thankfuls for Our Writer Lives. In our yellow house on Vashon Island the dining table was battered from years of grandkid use. The chairs had been rocked so many times Grandpa Jonathan had to bolt the legs to the frames. This was the precious place where we held hands at mealtime and practiced gratitude for our lives together. We called it Giving Thankfuls.

Our Storytelling Lives are Equally Blessed. The guests at our tables exist only in our heads but they rollick and roar and rock the chairs all the same. They give us hissy fits. But would you want to live without them for a day? We Give Thankfuls for our imaginary friends.

We Sit in Battered Bolted Chairs and Stare at the Wall. Real life plays out in front of us but we are otherwise engaged. Images peek from under the tableware. What ifs clatter louder than the cutlery. We savor the symphony of inspiration and Give Thankfuls for the scenes we see.

An Array of Plot Possibilities Fills our Formerly Empty Plates. We pick and choose. Mix and match. Consider and rethink. We alter the menu at will. Always in service of the purposes of the plot. Always hungry for what works best. We Give Thankfuls for the feast of creativity.

The Banquet Continues for Days Months Years. Our appetites are sometimes satisfied but often they are not. We may leap up from the table in exasperation. Nonetheless we eventually return and struggle again to get the ingredients exactly right. We Give Thankfuls for resilience.

At Last we Add these Luscious Words – The End. We pound the well-used table or collapse upon it. Though probably exhausted we are also filled with joy and chair-rocking energy. We laugh. We sob. However we express it we are Giving Thankfuls for Our Writer Lives.

Being Storytellers has Put Us in the Amazing Company of Other Storytellers. We honor that company for its generosity, its wit, its endless ingenuity. We find role models and helpmates there. Friends too, professional and personal. We Give Thankfuls for our writers’ community.

Being Storytellers has Put Us in the Amazing Company of Readers. The upfront readers who help us grow our work. The priceless readers who review that work after it has come of age. The readers we pray will become our fans. Who could possibly not Give Thankfuls for readers?

Each Morning Begins a New Day to Rejoice in Storytelling. What gave us this glorious gift? In my case it was Grandma. She told her stories aloud. I write mine down. Her spirit abides in me and mine in her. I shall Give Thankfuls forever for her believing in me from my start.

Today My Own Grandkids are No Longer Kids. We are all back on the east coast now. Grandparents and parents. In-laws and outlaws. Jonathan and I are still a twosome fifty years and counting. We have never stopped holding hands and Giving Thankfuls and hope we never will.

Meanwhile my Storytelling Life Continues. So does yours. We are filled with memories. We are calm or stormy at turns. We have not gone gentle into any night – good are otherwise. We are the characters we have written and become. We are Giving Thankfuls for Our Writer Lives.

Alice Orr says – You Possess Storytelling Magic. Keep on Writing Whatever May Occur. https://www.aliceorrbooks.com.

Ask Alice Your Crucial Questions. What are you most eager to know – in your writing work and in your writer’s life? Ask your question in the Comments section at the end of this post.

Alice Orr – Teacher. Storyteller. Former Literary Agent. Blogs for Writers. Author of 16 novels, 3 novellas and a memoir so far. Wrote No More Rejections: 50 Secrets to Writing a Manuscript that Sells as a gift to the writers’ community she loves.

Alice’s holiday novel, for which she Gives Thankfuls, is A Vacancy at the Inn Riverton Road Romantic Suspense Series Book 3 – available HERE. Celebrate the Season!

How to Put Your Writer Psyche on Your Side - www.aliceorrbooks.com

Praise for A Vacancy at the Inn. “Grabbed me right away and swept me up in the lives of Bethany and Luke.” “Undercurrents of suspense move the story along at an irresistible pace.” “The Miller family is rife with personality quirks, an authentic touch that demonstrates Alice Orr’s skill as a writer.” “I never want an Alice Orr book to end.”

All of Alice’s Books are HERE.


The Writer and Her Handsome Prince

The Writer and Her Handsome Prince. Once upon a time – 50 years ago this coming Friday –  I was too harried to be nervous. The next many hours would be my wedding gift to almost-husband Jonathan. He had no idea what I had planned.

A hundred details were yet to be addressed. As always I had made many lists. Thank heaven for that because soon our little house on Burnup Road would be overrun by my womenfriends impatient to launch the day’s events.

This was a homemade wedding from the start. Everything my previous marriage that crashed and burned had never been. No silver embossed matchbooks here. Only the golden-hearted efforts of our community of friends.

The cake baked by someone’s roommate. Turkeys and hams from the ovens of our mothers in law. Hors d’oeuvres and salads concocted in our own kitchen by my sister social workers as the sink filled up with veggie peelings.

They forced me out of there eventually. Off with a self-appointed gaggle of girlfriends to be gowned in hippie homespun still waiting for a hem. My long hair was straight as usual until they advanced on me with curling irons. The brocade slippers on my feet were supposed to keep me from stumbling down the aisle.

I honestly cannot remember getting to the church. Jonathan and I walked to the altar together. Nobody owned me so I did not need to be given away. Neither did he.

I had designed the ceremony to reflect the depth of our love. Still, what happened that late afternoon astonished even me because of the passion of the players. A profound reading from a beloved literary friend. A soulful song composed and performed by my brother. An inspired blessing by a former priest in flowing robes. Jonathan reveled in everything as I had hoped he would.

There were surprises also that I had not planned. Gorgeous baskets for my bridesmaids created by my young son from wildflowers and roses. A vintage Cadillac at the church door to whisk us away with wild applause as a sendoff. A bathtub filled with ice and champagne bottles by our work place friends for our Black River house reception.

All day long enough anecdotes were born to feed a lifetime of memories. Moments that caught in our hearts. Moments to split your seams with laughter. Moments bathed by tears. Moments as sunlit as the bouquet of yellow roses I never tossed to anyone because I could not bear to let it go.

I have written thousands plus thousands of words since then. But this is the first time I have written about that day when we were so very brand new. When I was yet to write anything much at all and Jonathan was yet to become my great encourager of every page that followed.

Meanwhile 50 years of real-life stories have been lived. Adventure. Struggle. Triumph. Disappointment. Joy. Astonishment. Regret. Celebration. Tragedy too because our long time together has been reality not fairy tales after all. Yet to this day we blessedly remain – The Writer and Her Handsome Prince.

Alice Orr – https://www.aliceorrbooks.com.

ASK ALICE Your Crucial Questions. What are you most eager to know – in your writing work and in your writer’s life? Ask that question in the Comments section following this post. Share your writer’s journey and inspire future posts.

Alice has published 16 novels, 3 novellas and a memoir so far. She wrote her nonfiction book No More Rejections: 50 Secrets to Writing a Manuscript that Sells as a gift to the writers’ community she loves. Her  novel – A Wrong Way Home Riverton Road Romantic Suspense Series Book 1 – is another free gift for you HERE.

A Wrong Way Home

Praise for A Wrong Way Home: “The story twists and turns masterfully into danger and romance.” “I highly recommend this page-turner which is romance and suspense at its best.” “The writing is exquisite.”

Look for all of Alice’s books HERE.


Abundance Surrounds Your Writer Self

Abundance Surrounds Your Writer Self. Many of us lost sight of Abundance during the past two very difficult years. I certainly did. I drew myself in and held my loved ones close as was possible in a distanced, divided, doubt riddled world. Reminders of loss were everywhere, so I burrowed deeper. In my writing life I did the same. Maybe something similar happened to you.

Spring has Come Now, and We Long for New Light and Fresh Beginnings. We peer out tremulously from our hibernation places in search of what remains of possibility. As I peer out from my own writer’s burrow, the first thing I see is all of us, and what a lovely sight we are.

We are Our Great Resource. Each other – our writers’ community. Our writing sisters and brothers, still here where we have always been. Abundance of Talent – Ideas – Support. We reach out. We work together. We combine our resources and thrive together.

We Call on Each Other When our Determination gets Shaky. We remember the words of two oldish songs and sing along. “We all need somebody to lean on.” – and – “You’ll get by with a little help from your friends.” We invite ourselves to lean on one another and accept help.

We Remind Ourselves that Our Common Ground is More Precious than Our Differences. We reconcile. We listen to each other. We press on as allies because allies are what you need, not enemies. United we stand and are strong – in our writing lives and in our human hearts.

Turn Next to another Great Resource – Yourself. You are your first ally in every undertaking. You are your first fortress through any struggle. You are the Hero in Your Mirror. You are equal to whatever challenges you may face. Never underestimate that. Never underestimate yourself.

Never Underestimate Your Writer Self. Repeat these words to yourself every single day. “I have something worthwhile to say. I have something to say that is worth saying well. I have something to say that is worthy of being heard. And stories to tell that deserve to be told.

Rediscover – or Reinvigorate – Your Love for Your Writing Work. You are blessed to have discovered your passionate pursuit in life. Rejoice in the gift of that discovery. Loads of effort and creativity will be required of you, but that is the most satisfying route take. One day of diligent, delicious effort at a time. This is a journey you can be proud of making.

Finally (if you will permit me to suggest it) Turn to the greatest Abundance of all. Your Higher Power. Whatever that may be. Powerful forces for good are present in your life and in your work whether you are aware of them or not. I believe this to be true. I invite you to believe as well – and also to know that, now and always, Abundance Surrounds Your Writer Self.

Alice Orr – www.aliceorrbooks.com

ASK ALICE Your Crucial Questions. What are you most eager to know – in your writing work and in your writer’s life? Email aliceorrbooks@gmail.com. Or add a comment question to this post. I will be honored to respond.

Alice’s latest novel A Time of Fear & Loving Riverton Road Romantic Suspense Series Book 5 – is available HERE.A Time of Fear & Loving

Look for all of Alice’s books HERE.

Praise for A Time of Fear & Loving: “Alice Orr is the queen of ramped-up stakes and page-turning suspense.” “Warning. Don’t read before bed. You won’t want to sleep.” “The tension in this novel is through the roof.” “I never want an Alice Orr book to end.” “The best one yet!”
