Giving Thankfuls – Our Dementia Story. Our Giving Thankfuls tradition was born when the grandchildren were with us every weekend at our yellow house on Vashon Island in Washington State. We have been back on the east coast for well over a decade now, but those memories are still fresh and sweet for Jonathan and me.
We Always Ate Together When the Grands were Visiting. Our rustic dining table was dinged and battered from years of active kid use. The chairs had been rocked back and forth with such vigor so many times that Grandpa Jon finally had to implant bolts to keep them safely intact.
Our Thankfuls Ritual Began with Clasped Hands Before Eating. At our well-used table we reached for one another and took hold. Then, each of us in turn would say what we were thankful for that day. Something that made us feel grateful to be alive or was just fun to do.
The Children Started with Thanks for Being with Us. Jonathan and I started with thanks for being with them and for the joy and chair-rocking energy they added to our lives. We would end with a rousing “Amen.” Our grandson once told me that was like hitting “Send” on a keyboard to broadcast his message.
In this Happy Way Giving Thankfuls Became our Mealtime Thing. The children are not children now. They are well-ensconced in productive adult lives and no longer rock their chairs at dinnertime. Jonathan and I are a twosome most of the time but we have not stopped holding hands and Giving Thankfuls.
We have Lots of Reasons for Giving Thanks. Up front among them are memories like those I share here of our family. And those about blazing forward and loving each other through fifty-two-plus years together. Better. Worse. Richer. Poorer. Sickness. Health. Giving Thankfuls – Our Dementia Story.
We are A Stormy Pair. None who know us well will doubt that. We do not go gentle into much of anything. Sometimes to our credit. Sometimes not. Nonetheless I Give Thankfuls for having grown to be who I am with Jonathan at my side however imperfect we may be.
I Cannot Talk of Thankfulness without Mentioning Grandma. Alice Jane Rowland Boudiette. Everything good in me began with her. She is the reason I put words on pages like I have done here. She told me her stories aloud. I write mine down. The storyteller abides.
Which has Graced Me with the Amazing Company of Other Storytellers. I Give Thankfuls to that company for its generosity and wonderful wit and endless ingenuity. I find role models and helpmates there. Friends too. I cannot imagine another community I would rather inhabit.
Except Our Church Community. The hundred-fifty-year-old parish five blocks from where we live. Jonathan and I will feast there with our faith family on Thanksgiving Eve. Many nationalities. Many languages. All one. As our maker made us to be. We give Thankfuls for that.
Dear Friends. What are Your Thankfuls? Please share them with us in the Comments section following this post. And have a totally joyful Thanksgiving. P.S. The guy in the above photo is Jonathan. I have no idea why he is peeking into that turkey’s you-know-what. Giving Thankfuls – Our Dementia Story.
LESSON LEARNED – Be Thankful Every Time You Taste the Feast of Life.
You possess storytelling magic. Keep on writing whatever may occur. Alice Orr.
Alice Orr. Teacher. Storyteller. Former Editor and Literary Agent. Author of 15 novels, 2 novellas, a memoir, and No More Rejections: 50 Secrets to Writing a Manuscript that Sells. Alice blogs for writers and readers at
Alice’s Memoir is titled Lifted to the Light: A Story of Struggle and Kindness. At the beating heart of this moving story a woman fights her own disease disaster. All her life she has taken care of herself. Now she faces an adversary too formidable to battle alone. Available HERE.
Praise for Lifted to the Light: A Story of Struggle and Kindness: “I was lifted. I highly recommend this book as a can’t-put-down roadmap for anyone.” “Very, very well written. Alice Orr is an amazing author.” “Honest, funny, and consoling.” “I have read other books by Ms. Orr and am glad I haven’t missed this one.” “Couldn’t put it down.”
Alice’s Suspense Novel Series – the Riverton Road Romantic Suspense Series. Five intense stories of love and death and intrigue. Available HERE.
Praise for the Riverton Road Romantic Suspense Series. “Romance and suspense at its best.” “I highly recommend this page-turner series.” “Twists and turns, strong characters, suspense and passionate love.” “The writing is exquisite.”
Ask Alice Your Crucial Questions. What are you most eager to know? About Alice and Jonathan’s experience? About telling your own stories? Ask your questions in the Comments section following this post.