Character Triage – Who’s In? Who’s Out?

Character Triage – Who’s In? Who’s Out? Every character you start out with in your story may not carry enough storytelling weight to be allowed to stick around. Some will most likely have to go. Which characters do and do not belong in your story? How do you decide? First, let’s make a couple of general lists. Then we’ll move on to specifics.

Character Triage – Who’s In? Characters Who Should Stay in Your Story. They sparkle with contradiction and controversy (like Holly Golightly). They enhance the main characters in the story, making them more intriguing. They aggravate the main characters in the story, making them more conflicted. They have secrets, often dark ones, the main characters would like to know, or should know, but don’t. They have hidden dreams the main characters would like to know, or should know, but don’t. In other words, they generate plot by adding more complications to the story.

Character Triage – Who’s Out? Characters Who Should Leave Your Story. They don’t make anything happen (which is never the case with Harry Potter). They get along with everyone, neither creating nor enhancing conflict. We aren’t interested in knowing more about them. They are not connected with either the main characters or their stories. In other words, they don’t generate plot by adding more complications to the story.  Here are some specific character types that should be shown the door.

Character Triage – The Lackluster Character. Especially when creating the main characters of a series who must be extra unique and compelling. In fact, any continuing character must stand out in order to hold a reader’s interest through several stories. Be careful not to focus on thrilling plot at the expense of thrilling characters. This can be fatal to storytelling success.

Character Triage – The Character Who Cloys. Especially as a romance heroine. She’s cute/adorable/precious, and the alleged hero scampers along in her wake for far too long. At first, she may be lovable for the reader as well. Then, we become exasperated with her and, eventually, out-and-out irritated. She’s a distraction from the story and undermines your hero’s portrayal too.

Character Triage – The Character Who Fails at His Story Mission. Especially as a mystery-suspense hero. He’s the detective who doesn’t detect. A murder is committed, and he should be intent on finding the murderer but does too little to further that quest. He avoids real investigative questioning. He lets others do the legwork. He slows the pace instead of enlivening it. He must thrust himself into danger and battle his way out (like Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock Holmes).

Character Triage – The Interchangeables. Especially as secondary characters. Three sisters or friends or whoever that would be better as two. The extra sidekick clutters the story. She isn’t distinctive enough and her lack of substance drains story vitality. She should be folded into one of the other characters to streamline plot and pacing or rewritten to reveal her individuality.

Character Triage – This is Only the Beginning. A sampling of characters that need to go if you want to write a strong story, and of course you do. Make your own list, maybe even from your own work, but don’t be discouraged when you do. There are ways to save these characters from the no-hope heap.

Character Triage – Every character, like every human being, has a story. Your job as storyteller is to discover that story and give your creations life on the page. When you do, they will not just belong in your story, they will be embedded in your reader’s heart.  Alice Orr –


A Time of Fear & LovingFor a great read where every character definitely belongs – Don’t miss Alice Orr’s latest novel. A Time of Fear & Loving – Riverton Road Romantic Suspense Book 5. Available HERE. Look for all of Alice’s books HERE.

 What readers say about A Time of Fear & Loving. “I never want an Alice Orr book to end.” “Alice Orr is the queen of ramped-up stakes and page-turning suspense.” “Warning. Don’t read before bed. You won’t want to sleep.” “The tension in this novel is through the roof.”
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